Sunday School

Each Sunday during the school year (September-May), we gather at 9:15 am for Sunday School. We offer classes for children 2 years old-High School, and also a separate class for adults. In addition, we offer an infant and toddler nursery during the Sunday School hour. We believe that the Sunday School hour provides us with an important time of Christian education, discipleship and fellowship outside of our normal worship service.


This week, Lauren concludes the study on the Sacrements for the Westminster Confession of Faith
This week, Lauren starts a new section on the Confessions take of the Sacraments.

Peru Mission 2014

July 13, 2014
The follow up report from Mr. Bob Peck from the annual Peru mission.
This week, Lauren continues his discussion on the unity of the church.
Lauren starts a new chapter in views of the stance of the union of the church as drawn by the Biblical interpretation of the Westminster Confession.

Preach the Word

June 8, 2014

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