Sunday School

Each Sunday during the school year (September-May), we gather at 9:15 am for Sunday School. We offer classes for children 2 years old-High School, and also a separate class for adults. In addition, we offer an infant and toddler nursery during the Sunday School hour. We believe that the Sunday School hour provides us with an important time of Christian education, discipleship and fellowship outside of our normal worship service.


Lauren continues his discussion on the observances and the importance of practices of liturgical worship.
This week Lauren continues the discussion of the sanctity of the liturgy of worship
This week Lauren explains the definition of worship as performed in the Presbytery.
This week Lauren concludes the study on the Christian Liberties that we have through Christ.
Lauren starts out the New Year focusing on our liberties that we have through Christ to serve Him with all our heart.
Lauren closes out 2013 with his conclusion of this valuable teaching understanding God's law in relation to the confessions.
Lauren concludes the fall session with a wrap up of his discussion of the Law of God. Sunday school sessions will resume after the New Year.
This week Lauren discusses the in depth of the truth of the Law of God compared to some of the misconceptions that have been stated over the centuries.
This week Lauren continues his discussion of God's laws and the contrast from the Presbytery view and the Roman Catholic view.
This week Lauren wraps up his discussion on grace and salvation and begins discussion on the laws and what is defined by God's complete authority of law.