Beliefs & Denomination
Colleyville Presbyterian is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America, which is itself a small part of the body of Christ around the world.
Colleyville is a Christian church, which means that we affirm the Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds, and believe that Jesus Christ himself is our King as he nourishes us each week when we gather to worship him by the power of the Holy Spirit in word, sacrament and prayer.
Colleyville is a reformational church, which means that we are connected to the Holy Spirit’s work in the protestant reformation of the 16th & 17th centuries and seek to participate in the Spirit’s ongoing reformation of the church universal today.
Colleyville is a presbyterian church, which means that we are not independent, but connected to a large family of like-minded churches across North Texas and all over the United States and Canada, and that we affirm the Westminster Confession of Faith as a faithful summary of the scripture’s teaching.