Lauren starts a new chapter in views of the stance of the union of the church as drawn by the Biblical interpretation of the Westminster Confession.
This week, Lauren concludes the observations of the Biblical and Confessions stance of marriage and divorce.
This week, Lauren continues his discussion and views of the Westminster Confession of Faith on marriage and divorce.
This week, Lauren opens up the Confession's views of the sanctity of marriage and its definition of divorce in the Confession.
Lauren concludes his discussion on the bylaw topic of the Civil Magistrate.
This week, Lauren continues his discussion on the topics of the church's bylaws and how they should work together with the laws of our governing body.
This week Lauren discusses the views of the Civil Magistrate as it pertains to political views such as involvement in war. (Note: Audio contains an open forum so the audio…
This week Lauren discusses the views of the Confessions towards our government laws.
This week Lauren concludes the instructions taught in this article of the Confession and the contrasts of the Biblical and world views of oaths and vows.
This session Lauren begins the discussion on the difference between vows and oaths and the views of the church and the legal values surrounding them.