Beloved, Each Sunday, during the Lord's Supper, when we are seated with Jesus in the heavenly places and about to eat the bread that he has given us, I say to you (quoting the Apostle Paul): "Alleluia, Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us!" And you respond: "Therefore let us keep the feast. Alleluia!" And then we eat. It is perhaps the most sacred and beautiful thing that we partake of in this life. Indeed, to keep the feast is a holy act. And all of our feasting is predicated on this: the Passover Lamb has truly been slain. And yet the Lamb who is slain also reigns enthroned in heaven, giving himself even now for the life of the world. Another way to say it is like this. We are Baptized. We are Christians. And so all of the feasting that takes place in our homes and with our families and friends flows from the great feast of the Lord's Table, which is itself a participation in the feast of Heaven. Our tables are joyous because His Table has made us partakers of a joy that cannot be taken from us. This indeed is the mystery of our…
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