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April 2020

Pastoral Letter of Encouragement

By Pastoral Letters
Dear Colleyville Family, I know that this season has been profoundly challenging for each of us, and for our church as a whole. I know that it has been, without a doubt, the most challenging period of my pastoral ministry (and I don't expect those challenges to end any time soon!). I know that you each have your own stories of difficulty and grief and frustration during this time. I am thankful that so far, the Lord has spared us from death or serious harm from the virus itself, but all of us have suffered in various ways due to the broader societal changes the virus has brought. Some of us have lost work, or suffered other financial loss. Many of us are missing out on special experiences, things long planned and anticipated that now will be impossible to replicate or replace. All of us are suffering from isolation and the normal joys of life in community with one another. And yet, I want you to know that I am also seeing and hearing many beautiful things in our congregation that are encouraging me during this season, as I speak with you and hear your stories.  As you enter into…
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