Dear Colleyville Family, It has not been quite the restful Spring Break I had hoped for! I've spent the past several days in the office in communication with our Session and church staff and other leadership, all the time monitoring the situation with the Coronavirus. As you may have heard, today Tarrant County declared a state of emergency and is recommending that all public gatherings be cancelled if possible. Our Session had yesterday already made the decision to suspend all church activities and events outside of Sunday worship before this announcement by Tarrant County was made. But now that we have received this recommendation from our governing authority, our Session has also very reluctantly decided to suspend worship this Sunday, March 15. Please know that this decision was not made lightly, and not without much prayer and discussion. I am very aware that some of you may feel that this is an overreaction on our part, and to be honest, it may be. But, based on the information we have at the moment, it seems the wisest thing to do, and our Session is unified in this decision to suspend gathered worship this Sunday. Along these lines, I will be…
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