January 2019 Dear Colleyville Family, As believers, we know that time is not an arbitrary human invention, but the Lord himself put the lights in the heavens "for signs and for seasons, and for days and years" (Gen. 1:14). And indeed, the turning of the calendar to a new year is a natural time to pause and take stock of our lives, and consider the year to come. In fact, I would encourage you to take an evening or two in the next week or so, alone or with your spouse if you are married, and ask yourself a couple of questions - 1) What has the Lord been teaching me in the last year? 2) What are my hopes (and resolutions!) for the year to come? As your pastor, I am not very qualified to give you advice about losing weight or balancing your checkbook, but when it comes to your spiritual life, I would like to give you some counsel. If one of your desires in 2019 is for increased spiritual growth for yourself and your family (and I hope it is!), I would urge you to consider the central role of the means of grace that God…
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