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November 2018

What is Advent?

By Pastoral Letters
An Introduction to Advent Advent is a season in the church year often considered exclusively as a preparation for Christmas. While this notion is part of the meaning and purpose of Advent, it does not tell the full story. In reality, Advent is much more than just four weeks to prepare for the coming of the Christ child. The season of Advent is about all the comings of Jesus. The word “advent” is from the Latin advenire which means “to come.” This includes, but does not limit itself to, the coming of Jesus when he was born as a man. There are three distinct comings of Jesus that are in view in the season of Advent. The first coming is in the past—the birth of our Lord Jesus over two thousand years ago in the Israelite town of Bethlehem. The second coming is his coming at the end of history and is the bodily return of Jesus Christ to judge the earth and make for his people the New Heavens and New Earth, where those who trust in Jesus will live forever with him in resurrected and gloried bodies. These two comings, or Advents, of Jesus are indeed glorious, yet…
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